Part 5: Surveys
Editor step 7: Publish
In the last step of the survey editor, you select when and where to publish the survey. First up is the start and end date. The survey needs a start date to be triggered, but it does not need an end date. You only need to add the end date when you want to pause or end the survey.
You select on which website you want to publish the survey, and for now, you probably only have one option.
For targeted and feedback surveys, you select the pages where you want the survey to be triggered. For example, you may want to ask a couple of questions after the visitors have placed an order, so you add the survey to the confirmation page.
A general survey, on the other hand, can always be triggered on the entire website. However, for all survey types, you can exclude the pages where you don’t want the survey to be triggered. For example, you may not want to disturb your customers while they are placing an order or filling out a contact form.
If you use a campaign URL, you need to add \\ before special characters such as ? or &. For example, becomes\\?campaign.
Although there are standard trigger settings in the survey editor, there is also the possibility to use more advanced trigger options, which you can read more about here.
You can also exclude IP addresses, for example if you don’t want your company's employees to answer the survey.
And lastly, and only if you have more than 1 survey on the same parts of the website, you can choose not to show this survey if the visitors have recently answered the other survey. That way, you can have several surveys on the website without the visitors being bombarded with popups asking them lots of questions.
And your survey is done! As you can see, there is the option to preview the survey here too, which might be a good idea before publishing it. If you’re satisfied, add the start date and save.
If you want to have the same survey in more than one language, you can add survey translations. Let's look at how to do that next. However, if that's not relevant for you, you can skip ahead to some tips we have when it comes to surveys.