Part 5: Surveys


After you have created a survey, you are able to add translations of it. There are limitations with the translations, and they have the same questions, options, and structure as the main survey. However, you can hide options or questions in the translated version if they aren’t relevant, but we’ll get to that soon.

Before you add a translation, you need to add the URL where you want the translated survey. You find this setting under “Data source settings”. Go to “Website” in the sidebar menu, and you’ll find the settings at the top of the page.

Add the language and URL.

To add a translation of a survey, you first go to "Manage surveys". Then, for the survey you want to edit, click on the three dots and select "Add translation". 

We currently only offer disclaimers and information about the survey in limited languages. If you translate your survey to a language we do not yet support, the disclaimers etc. will be in English.

The new language version will be created when you click on “Add”, but so far, it’s still a direct copy of the main language. The next step is to translate the survey.

Click on “Edit” for the survey group. For translations, the editor has been split in half, with the left being the primary (first) language and the right being all the translations. That way, you can see both the original and the translation at the same time, to more easily be able to translate everything.

If you have more than one translation, you’ll only be able to view one of the translations at the time, but you can easily switch between them using the tabs.

Write the translation, save and move on to the questions.

The logic is the same for the questions, but in order to see the translations, you have to select the question you want to translate. As before, you select languages at the top, and then write the translation of the question, description, and options, if the question has all of that.

In some cases, the content differs on subdirectories depending on the countries or languages. You may therefore need to adapt the survey. For example, you may have career pages on your global subdirectory, but not your French subdirectory. In that case, having the option “Job opportunities” as purpose for visitors on the French subdirectory becomes misleading.

However, that can easily be fixed by hiding options, or even entire questions. You hide options or questions by clicking on the eye icon.

If you instead need to add an option, you’ll have to add it to the main survey, and then hide it in the main survey to be able to have it in your translation.

If the difference between the subdirectories is too great to only hide options or questions, we recommend that you use a separate survey on the other subdirectory instead of a translation. You will lose the possibility to compare the two (or more) subdirectories in the same charts, but if they are too different to use the same survey, they are probably too different to compare anyway.

As you may have noticed, there’s more to surveys than just adding questions, but we can help you with that too. Let’s move on to some tips.