Part 5: Surveys


To create a new survey, you go to “Data sources” and either scroll down to the survey module and select “Manage surveys”…

…or go to “UX-Surveys” and then select “Survey list” in the sidebar menu.

To create a new survey, click on the “Create survey” button.

You will now get a few choices. First, do you want a general survey, targeted survey, or feedback?

If you are unsure of the differences, a general survey is meant to be placed on the entire website, but you can exclude pages if you want. General surveys are great for getting a general understanding of who your visitors are, what they want to do, and what their user experience was like. The general survey is triggered by time spent on the website.

Targeted surveys are meant to be used on selected pages, or to only ask questions to a specific visitor category. These surveys can either be similar to a general survey in that it gives you a broader understanding of a certain page or visitor category, or it can be a much shorter survey, to help you understand why visitors struggle to find certain information, or how you can improve a problematic section of your website. The targeted survey can be triggered by time spend on website, by clicking on a button, or it can be embedded on your website.

Feedback surveys are the shortest survey, and should generally not be more than 2 or 3 questions long. This short survey can be used for asking what the visitors thought of a specific page, if they found what they were looking for, or if they need help, for example. You choose where you want the feedback on your website. The feedback survey is triggered by clicking on a button.

Once you have selected a survey type, you'll get three options. For general surveys, the third option is "Industry". For targeted and feedback surveys, the third option is "Template". 


The title of the survey is only for internal use, and will not be visible in the survey. As long as you only have one survey, keeping the default name “General survey” works, but as soon as you have more than one, a more specific name is better. However, you can also change the name later on.

Primary language

This is the language of the survey, and you are able to add more languages later on.


By selecting a template, your survey will automatically have questions added to it, but you can of course change, remove, and add questions as needed regardless. For targeted and feedback surveys, you can choose to start with an empty survey.

The industry for general surveys serves two purposes. The first is to select a template, and they are adapted to the different industries. The second purpose of the industry is to select which industry you want to compare your KPIs to. For example, if you have an E-Commerce B2C website, you will be able to compare your ratings to the average ratings for other E-Commerce B2C sites. You can also edit your industry setting later on, which will not affect the template or the questions in your survey. 

If you didn’t select an industry for your general survey, which is optional, you will still get a template for your survey, to make it easier for you to create the survey.



Once you have created the survey, you'll be redirected to the survey editor. Here, there are 7 steps of settings, and we'll go through each of them. The settings are similar for the different kinds of surveys, but there are differences. As we go through all the steps in the survey editor, we'll explain the differences.

Let's start with the survey introduction.