Part 6: Combining modules


One of the main benefits of our platform is that you are able to combine our modules. You can create segments based on one module when viewing data from a different module. For example, you may be interested in the user experience (survey data) for visitors who viewed a certain page, or that came from a certain campaign (analytics data). To do that, you create a segment based on the page/-s or campaign, or whatever parameter you want to use, and then use that to filter the survey responses.

Or perhaps you want to see the user flow for the visitors who struggled on your website. To do that, you create a segment based on survey response and use that to filter your analytics data, or heatmaps & session recordings.

There are two ways of combining the modules. The first is the segmentation described above, where you use one module to filter the data from a different module. The second is to create multidimensional funnels of your data, which is a different way of filtering data. In funnels, you start with all your visitor and then step by step filter out visitors who do not fulfil the requirements.

For example, you may be interested in the customer journey and use the funnel to 1) select customers (survey data), 2) who visited a certain product page (analytics data), 3) and then clicked on a button (goal/event in analytics), and 4) who found what they were looking for (survey data).

The multidimensional funnel is an advanced segmentation, where you are also able to see how many visitors were lost in each step. For example, you may find that the problem wasn’t that they couldn’t find what they were looking for (step 4) but that they didn’t click on the button (step 3). Knowing this will help you to determine where on your website actions are needed.

Although the modules are great on their one, they are the strongest together.

In this part, we’ll go through how to create segments that span across modules and how to create funnels, but also some tips on how to analyze the data and use the modules most efficiently.

Let’s start with segmentation.

Combining modules content

I. Introduction

II. Advanced segments

III. Multidimensional funnels

IV. Tips