Part 6: Combining modules


Combining modules is one way to analyze your data, and by combining the modules, you have more data to use than each module could bring on their own. It also allows you to not only understand what your visitors are trying to do on your website, but how they try to do it.

Knowing what the visitors need and any potential misunderstandings or struggles that they encounter will help you to create the best website for your visitors.

Combining modules is not a necessary tool, but here are some cases when it can help you to understand your visitors better:

  • The visitors are struggling to find information that is available on the website
  • The visitors find the navigation takes them in circles
  • You have pages created for specific visitor groups
  • You want to improve conversion rate

And so on.

We also have some articles about general data analysis that you can check out here.

But for now, let’s look at automatic reports.