Part 3: Analytics

Analytics segments

An easy way to analyze your data deeper is to create segments. By creating segments, you select a smaller part of the data. Examples of segments are: Visitors using mobile device, UK visitors, Visitors that view a specific page, and Visitors that came from a certain campaign.

You are also able to narrow down the segments further. For example, you can create a segment for Visitors that came from a certain campaign that were also using mobile device and visiting from the UK.

You find your segment in the top right corner, next to the date range.

Click on the box to select or create a new segment.

In this example, there are two kinds of segments. Analytics segments (based on only analytics data)…

…and survey segments (based on generally survey responses).

We will explain the survey segments in part 6 – Combining modules. For now, let’s look at how to create more analytics segments.

Click on “Add a new segment” and give the segment a name. It should reflect the settings.

For example, if the segment is visitors from the UK, the name can be “UK visitors”. That will make it easier to use the segment later.

Next, select type of data…


…and value.

To create the example from above, the segment is Country (under Visitor location), Is, and United Kingdom.

You can also add more conditions, with either “And” or “Or”.

“And” means that the data needs to fulfill both requirements. “Or” means that the data needs to fulfill either of the requirements.

However, avoid making very complex segments as they can exclude too much data, and it will be more difficult for you to find the cause of the results. If you want to narrow down the data further, it’s better to use funnels, which will show where the drop-off is.

Once you have your settings for the segment, save and apply. You now have one more segment to choose from in the list.

To view just one segment, click on the name.

To compare another segment to the one you are currently viewing, click on the inverted box.

This will allow you to view several segments at once.

If you want to edit one of your existing segments, click on the pen icon.



Now that you know how to set up and view your analytics data, let’s move on to heatmaps and session recordings. However, if you are not planning to use that at the moment, you can skip ahead to surveys, or how to combine our three modules.

If not, let’s move on to heatmaps and session recordings.