Part 5: Surveys
Editor step 5: Appearance
The appearance settings determine the look of the survey, but not colors as that is the next step. The logic is the same as for the previous step, to change from the default settings, you choose “Custom settings” or which device to copy.
Depending on how the survey is triggered, there will be different options available under "Appearance", with the least options for embedded surveys.
The container options are popup or modal. We recommend a popup for desktop, and modal for phone and tablet. On a phone, the popup will be a new tab, which is often misunderstood and the respondents may not understand how to close the survey if they don’t wish to answer.
You can change the max size for each device.
You can also change the presentation mode. “Pages” is the default, where all questions will be on the same page unless you are using page breaks. “Quiz” will be one question per page, regardless of page breaks.
Quiz mode is less user-friendly for a long survey (more than a few questions) as it offers poor overview and the respondents may not be able to see how many questions they have to answer, which can increase the drop-off rate. However, it can work well for feedback or shorter targeted surveys.
There is also a setting for the appearance of the questions’ options. They can be either “Standard” or “Button”. See image below for difference.
If you have more than 1 page for your survey (not including a welcome page), you can add a progress bar to help the respondents get an understanding of how long the survey is.
Lastly, there is the logo. If you have added a logo to your account settings, it will automatically appear here, but you can also change to a different logo. Regardless of which logo, you can adapt its size. Or opt to exclude a logo.
With that, there are only two more steps left. The colors and the publication.