Part 2: General settings

Account settings

Before you start to collect data, there are some account settings left: Invite users, upload your logo, and add your privacy policy.

Invite users

At Extellio, you are able to add as many users as you want, and each user can have different permissions. That means that you can have some users that are able to edit your data source, create new heatmaps, add questions to your survey, and so on, while other users are only able to view the data you have collected.

To add a new user, go to the overview under “Data sources” and select “Manage users”…

…or click on your profile in the top right corner, select “Account settings”…

…and then select “Users” in the submenu.

Both options will lead you to this page. Here you’ll find all your users, and you are able to invite new users…

…as well as edit existing users, such as changing their permissions, their phone number…

…and block or remove them.

If you want to learn more about our user permissions and which are best for your users, you can check out this article in our knowledge base.

Upload logo

Under the general account settings, you can edit your account name, your display name (the name you want to appear in the surveys), and add a logo.

By adding your logo to your account settings, you don’t have to add your logo to each survey you create. Instead, all you have to do is decide how big you want your logo to be.

However, the logo for each survey is its own setting, so we’ll get back to that when we go through the survey settings.

Add privacy policy

The last account setting left, but most importantly if you are the personal data controller and want to use surveys, is to add your privacy policy, which you do under “Privacy & Personal Data”.

The privacy policy will be linked in your surveys, and you can either link to an external page with this information or add your entire policy as text.

If you are the personal data controller but have not added a policy, you are not able to collect any survey data.

With your account settings in place, it’s time to start collecting data. The next part is all about analytics data, but if you’re only using surveys or heatmaps & session recordings, you can skip ahead to those parts instead.

If not, let’s move on to analytics.