Part 5: Surveys

Date range

The default setting when viewing your survey data is to see the last 30 days. However, you have lots of options here.

To change the date range, click on the box with the date.

You will now get several options.

At the top, there are presets to choose from: last week, last month, last quarter, and last year.

These settings are based on the calendar. Last week is the last calendar week, and not the last 7 days. Last month is the last calendar month (if you’re in March, that would be February), and not the last 30 days. Same goes for quarter and year.

However, in most cases, you probably want to configure the date range yourself.

To start with, you chose between 4 options: Last, This, Custom date, and Custom weeks.


For “Last”, you select the time period (day, month, etc) and how many you want.

As for the presets, this is based on the calendar. If in March, “Last 2 months” will be January – February.

If you want the last two months, but not based on the calendar, you can select “Last 60 days” instead.


The options for “This” is similar to “Last”, but you can only select one time period. For example, “This month”. If you select “This month”, that will again be based on the calendar. When in March, that will only give you data for March, regardless of when in the month you select this date range.

If you select it on the 5th of March, you will only get 5 days of data. If you select it on the 25th, you will get 25 days of data.

If you wanted this month, but not based on calendar months, you can use the date range “Last 30 days” instead.

Custom dates

The option “Custom dates” is useful when you need a specific date range, or a date range that will remain the same over several days. For example, the settings “Last 30 days” will shift every new day, so if you are extracting charts, you want to make sure the chart have the same dates every time you download them.

To select the dates you want, you can either write the dates…

…or use the calendar to select the dates.

Custom weeks

If you work in weeks, you can also select “Custom weeks”, which works similarly to “Custom dates”.

Write the weeks you want, or use the calendar to pick weeks.

Comparing period

Lastly for the date range, you also have the option to compare your data to a previous time period. Again, there are several options for you.

“Previous period” is the same setting as above, but the period before. For example, if you selected “Last 30 days”, the previous period is another 30 days back. If you selected “This month”, the previous period is the month before.

“Previous year” is exactly the same date range, but the year before. For example, if you are looking at Jan 15 – Feb 14 2024, the previous year will be Jan 15 – Feb 14 2023.

Lastly, you can again choose “Custom dates”. This is mainly useful if you are comparing two similar periods in you data collection, for example campaigns or events, that happened at two different times of the year.

For all comparing periods, you can choose up to 3 periods.

Selecting a date range is not the only way to filter your data, and you can also create general and very specific segments. Let's look at how next.