Part 5: Surveys
Editor step 1: Intro
The survey editor contains seven different setting areas, and the first is the survey introduction. This setting is only relevant for general and targeted surveys. If you are only interested in feedback surveys, you can skip ahead to step 2.
The survey introduction can be of great importance for a general survey. This is where you explain to your potential respondents why you have this survey, what you want to know, and what you are going to do with this information. We have a default introduction for you, that can help you with what to write.
One mistake you can make with the introduction is to make it too long. The respondents are most likely not interested in reading a block of text, so try to keep it down to only a few sentences.
Apart from the introduction text, there are also two options for this step.
The first is the choice between a welcome page and no welcome page. If you use a welcome page, the respondents will only see the introduction text before they are asked if they want to participate in the survey. Without the welcome page, the respondents will instead see all the questions below the introduction (see images below).
We have seen that customers that remove the welcome page have more than doubled their response rate. Respondents are much more likely to answer the survey if they are not asked about participation, as being able to see all the questions gives them a good idea of what they are participating in. The survey is not less voluntary to answer without the welcome page.
Lastly, there is also the option to hide the disclaimer in the introduction, and the disclaimer looks like this:
Even if you hide it in the introduction, it will still be visible in the footer of the survey.
Don’t forget to save your settings before moving on to step 2, the questions.