Part 2: General settings


Before we move on, we want to remind you to implement our script on your website. If you already have, you can move on to the next chapter.

You need to implement our script on your website in order to trigger surveys and collect analytics data. The script was sent to you in an email when you signed up to Extellio, but you can also find all the information you need under “Data sources”.

Go to “Data source settings” and then select “Script” in the sidebar menu. Here you will find your script, and you are also able to check the script installation.

If you are not able to install the script yourself, you can send the instructions to a colleague that can.

If you want more information about implementing our script, you can read this article in our knowledge base.

We also have an article about privacy and cookie settings.

Once the script has been implemented, you can move on to the next chapter.