Part 7: Automatic reports

Duplicate reports

With the automatic reports, you are able to adapt them to the recipients. Although several departments may receive a monthly report, they do not have to receive the same report. Instead, they can receive reports adapted to their needs and work areas.

Once you have a report, you do not need to create a completely new report if you want something similar. Instead, you can duplicate one of your existing reports and then change it to fit the recipients.

To duplicate the report, you click on the three dots at the end of the row and select “Duplicate”.

You will now create a copy of that report, with the same content and the same recipients.

To adapt the report, you work similarly to when you created the report. If you want to add charts, go to “Data sources/UX Surveys” and add the charts you want before coming back to “Reports” and the settings for your new report.

Click on the report name to go to the settings. Change the name and add a new description if needed.

You can change the language too, but if you want the charts to be in a different language (different survey translation/displayed version) you’ll need to add all the charts again. At that point, it’s easier to start over instead of duplicating.

Once you have all the charts you need, go to the content settings for the report to move, delete and edit the charts.

Lastly, the delivery settings. Change the email title and select frequency and start date.

Remove the recipients who should not receive this report and add those that are missing from list.

And your new report is done.

Note that the number of reports you can have is limited by your license. Once you have reached your limit you are still able to create new reports but not adding charts to them. That means that if you want to replace one of your existing reports, you’ll need to either edit that report until it has the data you want, or you’ll have to first remove the report you want to replace before creating a new one.

Now, let’s move on to some tips.